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How To Become A Water Ninja!

Becoming a Water Ninja is the longest process of all of the Card Jitsu games so far. To start your journey of water you need to:
  • Be a member
  • Be a Regular Ninja
  • Have an amulet
Once all three qualifications are met, you can start your journey. Click on the blue tablet with the drop of water on it inside the ninja hideout. A door will then arise from the floor.

Once you get inside, go and talk to Sensei. Then click "Earn Your Water Suit" to level up faster. Here is how to play:

Cards are rolling down non the bottom of the screen. Look and see what element is ahead of your penguin (fire, ice, water). Choose a card with an opposing element (example, water beats fire). The higher the number on the card, the more damage it does. Once there is nothing there, jump to that spot, and keep playing to make your way to hit the gong. First one there, wins!        

Every time you win, you gain points. Every time you get 100 points, you get a new item in your suit. Every time you gain a new part of your suit, each win is worth less.

To get your fire suit, you start out by earning the Water Sandals. Then you earn the Waterfall Coat. After, you recieve the Torrent Mask. Once you are there, you get the Helmet Of Oceans.


 Finally, once you have the whole suit, you need to challenge Sensei. Every time you play him, he gets easier and easiter. once you beat him, you earn the Water Gem for your Amulet.

Here are some things you can do when you finish:



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